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Friday, July 2, 2010


What a fun-filled trip to Fresno we had! I don't have the camera near to post pictures now, but we did so much including: baby shower, swimming, seeing so much family, Father's Day, deciding on UC Irvine for medical school, trip to the cabin near Huntington Lake, and eating fresh fruit! I'm so excited to be moving to Fresno for a couple weeks before we move to Irvine! Growing up there, I didn't see what was so great about it...the movie theater maybe?? Now I realize it's family and friends and all the memories that go with it (and fresh fruit)! It's not a structure or landmark that makes Fresno "home" to me.

These last 3.5 years in Provo have been more of "home" because this is where Adam and I have built the foundation of our life together. It's hard to believe that I came here as a 19 year old, newly married, online community college student with no job...and now I am 23, a BYU alum, 7 months pregnant, and today was my last day working at Beehive Clothing. I started there a month after we moved to Utah in 2007. We've made wonderful friends here and have had so many adventures! Besides friends I will miss:
Macey's, the grocery store, which has the best 50 cent soft serve
the movies theater where we spend $2 total for both of us
the sunrise over the mountains
my job
the feeling of safety walking around Provo at night
being able to walk to the temple in 15 minutes (or drive there in 5)
the cleanliness and friendliness of BYU
the cinderblock walls of our apt? nah.
$615 for rent? yes.
hiking the Y

Adam is finishing his last night at work tonight at the Olive Garden and I'm just resting my feet before I go pack some boxes. It's feeling less and less like we still live here because of our lack of being in school and being employed. (And we sold our couches and have boxes in their place right now...not a very "homey" touch.)

I am very excited to get settled in Irvine, though! This has already been a crazy adventure just deciding to go there and now we have some things to figure out before we'll be settled, but I think it will be so fun to get our little boy's nursery set up and for Adam to start his first year as a medical student. It's been a long journey getting here and I am so proud of him for all the hard work he's put into this! He sure knows how to balance work, school, and family life and has such a positive attitude! He loves to play!
All of these things make me look forward to our new journey together to Irvine.

The place our son will call his first "home."