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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Anniversary

I'd like to start out by saying that Dad and Marlene's wedding was beautiful! Today marked their 2nd weekiversary! Dad, do you need any medicine for Christmas?? I don't think I can get anything stronger than vicadin, but maybe some chocolate will help ease the pain of the fall off that horse! Seriously, though...Beautiful! I am so happy when I see how happy you make each other!
Stacey met Michelle the night before the reception and turns out they did not tell each other what they were wearing the next day...Hmmm...crazy!
On another note...It seems that Adam and I have been studying for finals all day and have been in the Christmas spirit for the past few weeks as well. Yesterday, we got a card from Grandma and I couldn't figure out why she was sending us a card for Christmas even though we'll see her next week. I didn't figure out until I read the inside of the card that she was wishing us a happy anniversary! How sweet! Our 2nd Anniversary falls this Tuesday, December 16th! We both have finals that day and we are getting ready for the 12 hour trek to CA this weekend, so it had somehow slipped my mind! I have been counting the days we've been married and we've celebrated every monthiversary for 23 months...seriously, it was strange that I would forget this one! Anyway...Happy Anniversary!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Take My Hand

Take my hand and follow me, There are things ahead for you to see. Little wonders are all around, And tender mercies to be found. We’ll take our time, no need to run, Breathe deep the air and feel the sun. The grass is soft beneath our feet, Sounds are soothing, the air is sweet. Sometimes we’ll stop and just be still, Our hearts will tell us God is real! Small graces along our path appear, They let us know that Heaven’s near. So take my hand anew each day, The walk is lovely and I know the way. - Greg K Olsen
Greg Olsen was at the BYU bookstore on Tuesday, so Adam and I picked this one for him to sign. We had never seen it before and we both really love the simplicity. It was our first purchase together of a painting that makes our little cinder-block-wall apartment feel more like a home! I love coming home to this every day. It's like I have an "oh yea" thought provoking moment. Do you see the little squirel the boy is looking at? We didn't see it at first, but now every time I look at the picture it reminds me to look for the little joys in whatever I am doing. All week we have been working 8.5 hour days again, so by today I was extremely exhausted because I have been getting about 5 hours of sleep. I tried to find joy...even if it was as simple as realizing that I was going to have a better day than someone else who had a bad attitude, or singing along to my favorite song on the radio! I sit close to a window and have a beautiful view of the mountains. I get there when the stars are still out, so I love to glance out and see the sun rise on those snow capped mountains. One day I was especially frustrated because my thread broke a couple times and I couldn't find anything good on the radio..sounds silly in hindsight, but it was a big deal. I turned my head and caught a glimpse of the most gorgeous colors and such a breathtaking view! A thought came to my mind, "Dear Karen, I still love you. Love God." I kinda giggled that I actually had that thought...and that the thought sounded more like a little note...but I was happy the rest of the day! As the seasons change, I notice how incredible this world really is!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Party

Adam and I hosted a little party last night in the basement of our apartment building! We had people come and go, so we didn't get shots of everyone, but here's what we do have! Awesome costumes everyone!
Ragan was Princess Toadstool/Mario...

Adam and I were babies!...on the backs of old ladies...

Jen and Tim were Mariners fans...

80's flashback for Carli and Patrick ...

And who could have a party without salt and pepper?? Thanks Kathryn and Stephen for that!

After we ate gigantic Costco pizza, drank soda and hot cider, let the guys play Wii while the girls talked...we got a projector and watched a funny movie from the 80's called Better off Dead. Thanks everyone for helping us put it together! It was awesome!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Our first post!

So really it's Karen's first post, since Adam is at his MCAT prep class for another few minutes. He plans to take it in March and then he will graduate from BYU in April! That's pretty exciting for a couple reasons (Eric I already told you): 1. He graduates and that's really awesome! 2: I get to stop working within a few months of that and go to school full time! OK, I know I won't be as excited to be a full time student when it comes around, but just go with it for now :) The last couple weeks I have been working 8.5 hour days and surprisingly I have been doing the best I've ever done! I thought I would be exhausted having to work from 6am-3pm and then going to school for a couple hours after that, but I reached 139% at work, which is amazing!
The latest news: Dad's getting married! Congratulations Dad and Marlene! 40 more days!