Ragan was Princess Toadstool/Mario...
Adam and I were babies!...on the backs of old ladies...
Jen and Tim were Mariners fans...
80's flashback for Carli and Patrick ...
And who could have a party without salt and pepper?? Thanks Kathryn and Stephen for that!
After we ate gigantic Costco pizza, drank soda and hot cider, let the guys play Wii while the girls talked...we got a projector and watched a funny movie from the 80's called Better off Dead. Thanks everyone for helping us put it together! It was awesome!
Check out the holiday spirit...awesome. Love the costumes...very clever (Alex agrees).
Glad to see you've entered the blogging world...looking forward to tales of corn dogs, med school applications, YMount adventures, and your amazingly wonderful and cute nephew. :)
Whenever I find a new blog I ALWAYS read the archives. So that is what I'm doing now. And I have two things to say about that picture of me and my ridiculous husband.
1. Steven is ridiculous.
2. My hair was SO SHORT.
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