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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Question: Does Wesley like baby food?

Tomorrow will mark 5 months that my little Wesley has been my playmate.

When we were home for the holidays, I heard that my niece (12 days older than Wesley) was already trying rice cereal. That got me curious to see what Wesley would do.
Evidence #1: I gave him some at the beginning of February when he was just over 4 months old. He didn't really love it, but he would swallow it. He didn't like having to sit in his bumbo seat, either, due to our lack of a high chair. I had tried it a few times a week and each time seemed a little better than before, but he arched his back to get out of that seat.

Evidence #2:Monday, 2-21-11, Wesley actually was opening his mouth for more bites. This made me really happy and proud of him! How did he learn that? He does stare at me every morning while I eat my breakfast, I guess. I've been using our 1/4 measuring cup as a bowl for him and I fill it about half full of thickened cereal. I even made him another serving that night. Still...squirmy toward the end. I got him in the tub and he was so happy in there! Soooo...
He ate the rest of his dinner in his bubble bath! What a happy camper!

Evidence #3: That brings me to tonight. We went grocery shopping and dropped off some dinner for my cousin at Chapman. By the time we got home, I knew it was time to nurse him again. After that, I thought...maybe he'll want some more cereal?! So I filled the measuring cup a little over 1/2 full like normal. He ate it all! Hmm...I wonder if...? Nah. Should I wait another month? Well, let's just see. I have 2 days to get through a jar if he doesn't like it tonight.
Yep. That's right. I gave him a little taste of baby food. Tender sweet carrots to be exact.
He was in love! I couldn't shovel it in his mouth fast enough and he ate the WHOLE jar!!

The answer: Yes.


Austin and Kristen Bennion said...

In respondance to the end of your evidence #2, we have found that Logan eats the best in the bathtub. We have our routine every night before bed...we put him in the bath, let him play while feeding him (yes we still feed him baby food...only when he is in the bathtub bc he will eat it and it fills him up right before going to sleep!), then we wash him off and brush his teeth. This has helped him sleep really well at night. So what I'm basically trying to say is your not the only one who feeds their child in the tub. It's an awesome idea :)

PS-I hope this makes sense to you. For some reason, my mind is frazzled!

Rachel said...

How fun! This is such a fun stage. You get to start experimenting with different baby foods. My favorite is to watch the babies face when you give them a new food, especially when it is one they don't exactly like(Abigail didn't like peas).

kate said...

Welcome to solid food, Wesley! It, obviously, can be much better than rice cereal.

balloongal said...

It's so fun, isn't it? We just started Jacob on rice cereal, too. He was all for it.