Adam and I are now the proud owners of Annual Disneyland Passports! Since Mondays are the days Adam has exams, we treat them like Fridays! He came home and had lunch and then we met up with Kate and the boys for the afternoon!

The entire time we were in line, Hamilton wanted to ride the green Dumbo, so we raced out of the gates and we actually got it! (kinda looks like he could be our kid)

Beckett did not look like this the whole time we were there, but this does capture his level of calmness and contentment. Hamilton rode his very first roller coaster once Alex arrived and so Beckett and I hung out and made each other smile and giggle the entire time they were gone! Unfortunately, Adam had the camera during that time so I couldn't capture those smiles.

Of course, Kate was kind enough to capture our first family (the 3 of us) adventure to Disneyland! I was 36 weeks along for this one. We had the most relaxing time (since I can't do any roller coasters) going on Pirates, Small World, Roger Rabbit, Dumbo, Soarin over CA, and just being together as a family! I am so happy to be back in California!
Quick update on the pregnancy from my appointment this morning: Baby's 5.5 pounds, still high, not dilated, about 40% effaced, he's in position (head down), and I lost a pound since my last appointment 2 weeks ago (which is perfectly okay according to the doctor)! Everything is looking great and she's not expecting him to come any time soon. I love to watch him move around every day...It almost feels like he's tickling me from inside and it makes me smile! I just love this time I have with him inside, but I feel ready if he does decide to come sooner than his due date!
I'm super jealous of your Disneyland passes! You look fabulous and I'm excited for you guys to meet your little boy.
We had so much fun...hope it's the beginning of lots of Disneyland adventures. And thanks again SO much for letting me and Alex go on Hamilton's first coaster ride. I'm glad Beckett rewarded your generosity with his cuteness.
I am so excited that you guys have passes!! I had a pass for quite a few years when I lived there and it is one of the things I miss the most about California! Have a blast with it!
Karen I am so excited for the new member of your family to come. If you are already taking him to Disneyland then you are a great MOM.
You are getting so close. I'm so excited for you. And how fun you felt up to running around Disneyland.
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