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Sunday, March 14, 2010

"How's the the zoo? You know, the baby panda?"

So, the title of this post is not to give the impression that we are pregnant with a baby panda (though I think if we were we might get millions of dollars from various scientific foundations) but a baby human. (It actually was a quote from Brian Regan). Here is a rundown of whats going on in our Spjutiful world:


- is pregnant (duh! right)
- went with Adam to hear the heartbeat (not beats thank goodness) on Wednesday and all sounds good
- is due September 21ish
- is making a sweet tailored shirt for Adam for her sewing class
- is selling delicious caramel apples for her business class ($3 each, and soo worth it)
- is graduating April 23
- has next baby appointment April 7
- will find out gender of the baby in May
- loves horchata
-'s dad will be sealed April 10


- is not pregnant
- heard his baby's heartbeat
- just found out that being an OB/Gyn doc would be like working at Hancock fabrics (too much estrogen for him)
- works in psych department at the hospital (although Olive Garden isn't too far from the same job)
- has 4 more weeks of skiing left (he's been 11 times this season)
- is still waiting to hear back from UCI and UCSD (don't ask till end of May)
- is stoked for camping, hiking and backpacking this Spring
- sells lots of caramel apples.
- loves Karen more than horchata

Baby Spjute...

- is not pregnant either
- is growing


Zach and Linds said...

WAHOO!!!!! I am so excited for you guys!! What wonderful parents you are going to be!!!! How are you feeling Karen? Are you still working at Beehive! I am so excited that you are graduating! Congratulations on everything! You are amazing! Love ya!

kate said...

congrats and congrats! it's so wonderful and amazing're in the caramel apple business. i bet karen is just glowing in that special way that only happens with business dealings and sewing tailored shirts.

oh, and hooray for horchata! (unless you are super fat from a pregnancy of your own).

finally, i guess the whole baby thing is pretty cool too.

love you guys, miss you, and think of you (all THREE of you) often :)

WoozleMom said...

Congratulations, I am so excited for you! I am all about pregnancy and birth these days, I LOVE IT! So happy for you guys.

Joshua and Rachel said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so exciting.

balloongal said...

That is a cute update. And phew... about the one heartbeat. My cousin found out recently that she's pregnant with twins. She already has a 2-year old, so it's going to be a bit of a jump from one to three.
You guys are awesome.
-Kristin Telford