You have too much to say to put it in the status bar on Facebook.
Not like it's all super exciting stuff, but more of a journal entry while Adam's at work. I found these pictures from graduation while I was just looking for one to add to this entry after I wrote the whole blog. The only way they really go with the rest of the blog is because they are pictures of us and I talk about us in the blog, so there ya go. I thought you might enjoy them! They are some of my very favorites!
As previously mentioned, I have 4-day weekends so last night I tried to stay up late and party with Adam. ("try" because I had been up since 5am and had only had about 5-6 hours of sleep the previous night) I made it until about midnight. When Adam got home from work I had made sloppy joes and french fries for dinner and we made salad together as well as banana milk (a recipe from his mission in Chile) and later had ice cream and popcorn! We played some video games and I fell asleep watching a movie we rented from the Provo library. That is a regular occurrence at our place since Adam can usually stay up later than I can and I love to cuddle up and fall asleep on his lap. He doesn't mind it. It's a win-win situation. *I just re-read this paragraph and it sure makes it sound like we eat a lot! Oh well. It's for the baby right?*
Adam got me up at 10:30 this morning to read scriptures and eat breakfast before he left for his lunch shift at the Olive Garden. This is something we've just started this week and it's actually working for us. Reading before bed wasn't consistent enough for us and I usually fell asleep during reading or praying so we have been reading together before the first person leaves in the morning. I must say how happy and proud I am of Adam for letting me wake him up at 5:45am Tuesday through Thursday...he's been so good about it! Back to today.... he left for work at 11, I showered and was actually exhausted by the end of my shower. I do like to take long showers, but this one wasn't any different than the rest. I didn't have the energy to dry my hair or do the dishes...I climbed back in bed and was asleep by 11:30. Adam woke me up at 2:30 when he got home! 13.5 hours of sleep??? I feel like a lazy person doing that. I keep forgetting that it's what pregnant people do and I now qualify as one of them. Can you believe we only have 4 months until his arrival?
On that note, I've been thinking about registering lately. I've talked with my sisters and I realized that most of the big items (carseat, snap n go stroller, video baby monitor, baby bjorn, and breast pump) are going to be given to us which is a HUGE blessing, especially due to the lack of money we will be living off of while Adam's in school. One of their neighbors is even sending us some of her cutest baby boy clothes. Right now we have one outfit and one blanket in our possession so we'll take anything we can get!! People are so generous! I've decided to get the crib off craigslist since about a million people in San Antonio and San Diego posted cribs today so I'm not so worried about finding one when we move rather than dropping a couple hundred on a new one. There are still a lot of little things the Babies R Us registry list online recommends getting so I should decide on a nursery theme soon and get going on that. Also another thing to decide on...
His name! This has been a common dinnertime/bedtime/anytime conversation lately and the names that have officially made the list are: Ethan, Wesley, Odin, and Jackson.
-Ethan has been on the list since we got married and we still like it. It means firm/strong.
-For today, Wesley is my favorite. It's Adam's middle name, his grandfather's name, and the first little boy I ever babysat. It means western meadow. Okay, that sounds lame, but I still like it.
-Odin is the chief god in Norse mythology and is associated with wisdom, war, battle, death, magic, poetry, prophecy, victory, and the hunt. (Thanks Wikipedia for helping me out) Adam picked this one and I'm not sure it'll make it to the finals, but it's a strong name.
-Jackson is a name Adam came up with and I didn't say no to. We both think it's cute. It means Jack's son which is pretty lame too since his dad is Adam, but oh well. What do you think about these names??
Adam went to work the dinner shift at 4:15 and I got some Father's Day shopping done...that's right: no Hanukkah Father's Day this year! We're off to St. George in the morning and we'll be attending the Brian Regan show that night. He's our favorite comedian. After that we'll be staying the night with my step-sister Xandra and her cute family! We should know within the month where Adam will go to medical school, so we'll keep you posted!
my comments in bullet points...
*laughed at your post title/first that i'm part of facebook i was able to appreciate it :).
*you and adam are so photogenic!
*i'm so jealous that you can eat yummy food and still be a cute little pregnant lady. i worked out a min 4x a week for over an hour, didn't eat too bad, and still gained like 40 pounds. argh.
*names are HARD. "Hamilton" was easy. "Beckett" about caused me a nervous breakdown. I like "Ethan" (except it reminds me of a creepy character on Lost) and Jackson is my brother, so I'm a fan of that as well. Let me also add Anderson and Evan. I actually thought about "Anderson Wesley Spjute" the other day. And you could call him "Andy." least I think so. And so does Hamilton.."Andy" being his original suggestion.
*oh baby registry...there's a lot of stuff "babies r us" says you need, but you don't really. there's also things like strollers/diaper bags that are hard to buy BEFORE you're actually living life with an infant. ask around.
*sidenote on baby bjorn: it really only works when they are's harder on your back once they are over 14 lbs. i did a lot of research and found a carrier that i LOVE and got for heidi who liked it a lot too. if you're not married to the idea of the bjorn or have already been given it, i'd like to buy you the one i have.
*fingers still crossed for southern ca but we'll love you in TX too.
*blah blah blah
I like Ethan as well but I have to agree with Kate about Mr. Creeper on Lost. And Jackson is really cute. Spencer wanted me to tell you that Odin is a summin of Final Fantasy ( a video Game) so Idk I think that is my least favorite.
Wow Karen I am really excited for you and Adam. A baby boy coming in Sept. :) Time has been flying. I know you two will be great parents. I will add to kate's prayer to keep you in CA!!! please please please.
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