Now that it's been 4 months since Wesley was born, I feel so overwhelmed and like I have so much to write and I don't know where to start! Luckily I started to blog on October 5th but got distracted with something, probably Wesley, and never finished the post. It was fun to read the labor story from my perspective after only 11 days so I will post it now and let you enjoy it too!
So it turns out that I didn't stay pregnant forever! Actually, my ankles aren't swollen and my belly is considerably flatter after only 11 days! People had told me that breastfeeding really helps you with the baby weight, but I didn't think it would happen this fast! I am one happy mommy! I'm still figuring out what I can wear since I despise my maternity shirts (I lived in the same ones for so long and they represent a time when I thought I would always be pregnant), but I'm too busty for my regular shirts that I used to wear. I'm still wearing maternity pants because my hips widened and I don't fit into my size 5s anymore. Not complaining...after all, delivery went quite smoothly thanks to that, but I just need to get some new clothes that fit my new shape. My mom bought me some nursing tops and I am in love with them! I would have never thought to buy a new mom clothes...I mean people bring the baby new clothes and gifts, but the mom needs new clothes too. I also received jewelry from Marlene. These are the little things that make me feel like a human again, not just a mom who is recovering from stitches, has mood swings and a cough, and who is feeding her baby every 2-3 hours on command. I actually feel like a confident woman and am having fun being a mom!
Wesley Charles Spjute was born at 3:28pm on Friday, September 24th. He weighed in at 7lbs 5oz and was 20 inches long, which Adam says is the perfect size fish! By the time he left the hospital Sunday, he was 6 pounds 13 oz (babies lose some weight but should be back to birthweight by 2 weeks). At an appointment on Tuesday the 28th he was 7 pounds 2 oz. Today, one week later....our little stud is a whopping 8 pounds! He gained 14 oz in a week and he's only 11 days old! Average is 7 oz in a week. I guess we got the hang of breastfeeding!
-He's an incredible sleeper-so much that I set alarms to wake up every 2-3 hours to feed him the first couple nights we were home. Ya, it only lasted 2 nights. Then I wised up and took everyone's advice to never wake a sleeping baby. I was nervous he wasn't eating enough, but it looks like we don't need to worry in that category.
-He likes his bink (the ugly green one from the hospital) and it soothes him most of the time.
-He smiles in his sleep, but is otherwise a very serious baby so don't be offended if he doesn't smile for you when you make faces at him.
-He is so snugly and loves to sleep on my chest...or at least I love it when he does =)
-When he's hungry and Adam has him...he still looks for the milk =)
Thursday, the day I thought I would be "forever pregnant," Adam and I rented a movie and during the movie I felt some contractions that were 20, 15, and 30 minutes apart. They were a little stronger than the usual "tight-stomach like I'm doing a sit-up," but weren't uncomfortable. This made us a little nervous and we went through what we would still need to grab if we did go to the hospital. I packed a bag of VHS/DVDs and made sure I knew where my makeup was. Adam grabbed a blanket, snacks, and the camera and we had everything by the door (the carseat/hospital bag were already in the car). We finished our movie, went to bed around midnight and set our alarms for 6:30 so we could leave at 7:30 for my 8am weekly checkup with my Ob/Gyn. Adam got a good night's rest and I was up once every hour with a pretty strong contraction that felt like really bad cramps. I felt like I needed to vomit or go to the bathroom...which makes sense since my stomach was tightening and preparing to get something out.
I stayed awake at 6 and just got in the shower since I figured my alarm would be going off in 30 minutes and I would need that extra time to get ready if these contractions persisted. They did. I felt another one in the shower and they were getting so strong that I had to stop what I was doing and focus on getting through the contraction for the minute that it lasted. They were every 10-15 minutes and by 7:30 I had managed to get dressed, blowdry my hair and put on make-up. I knew I wasn't coming home from this check-up without a baby (or some good pain meds) so I better look good! In the car the contractions were 5 minutes apart and I vomited (Adam had grabbed a bowl...hooray!) and that was the only time I threw up during the pregnancy.
They strapped my belly to a monitor to check the baby's heart rate for 20 mins...this is a non stress test that they do when your baby is over 40 weeks. After 5 minutes and 2 contractions, the nurse called the doctor in to check on me since she probably thought I was making funny noises as I tried to breathe through the contractions and squeeze Adam's hands. By 8:30 the doctor checked me...I was 100% effaced and dilated to 3. She offered to call labor and delivery and admit me or I had the option to walk around outside for a little bit. If they admitted me, I wouldn't be allowed outside and would have to stay on the same floor. My sister told me that they could give epidurals when you get to a 4, so my first question to my doctor was: once they admit me, how soon would I be checked to see if I was a 4. She smiled and said that it was up to her to give the permission and since I was in active labor she would give them permission to give it to me right away. What did I say? Admit me! Let's get this epidural started! Adam helped me walk over, change into my beautiful evening gown, and let me squeeze his hands through the next series of contractions while they started my IV and the epidural. By 9:30 I had the epidural and felt like a princess for the rest of the day!
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Forever Pregnant
"This morning I woke up, looked in the mirror, and thought to myself, "I'm going to be pregnant forever."
It's been over 10 months that my body has been growing a baby. At least 8 or 9 months of this pregnancy I felt like it was exciting to watch my belly grow and read about the development of this baby. I've read up on all sorts of things and asked all sorts of questions. Recently, it's been so fun to feel him move around and watch him play with Adam. There was a period of a about a month where I woke up every morning wondering if it would be his birthday.
Now, I've gotten used to the fact that my belly is huge compared to what it used to be (though strangers still tell me it looks little), my face is rounding out, I have stretch marks, and I have to wear flip flops to church due to water retention in my feet and ankles. Lately, I feel like this is who I am... Like I'm always going to have all of these features. Sometimes I think, "there's REALLY a baby inside of me who is going to come out and this is only temporary?? Nah."
Every weekend when I go grocery shopping and clean the house I think it's going to be the last time I do it before this baby comes. Every time we go to Disneyland we think it's going to be the last time before the baby (We've been 6 times since August 23rd). Every time we go to the dollar theater or hang out with friends or go to church or send Adam off to school...we think it'll be the last time before the baby comes. Adam's been coming home right after he gets out of class at noon and studying at home instead of staying on campus just in case.
Today was the first day I sent Adam out the door and didn't worry about what would happen if I needed to get a hold of him before he gets out of class at 5 tonight. Pretty sure the baby's going to be inside for a few more months =) I had a pretty busy and fun day yesterday full of laundry, a long walk, scrapbooking, making granola bars, and a couple hours at CA Adventure. It was followed by a soothing banana bubble bath and some icy hot rubbed on my back before bed since I get sore just by walking around these days. I felt more contractions throughout the day and they are getting stronger, but there were only a few per hour depending on what I was doing.
My last post was on Saturday, the 18th, and it was all about our trip to Disneyland on the 17th. We went again on Monday with our friends Sean, Rachel, and their 6 month old Jakob. Here we are in the Haunted Mansion:
Jake wears headphones when things are too loud at the Park:
Adam, Sean and Rachel went on Splash Mountain so Jakob and I hung out. He's such a mellow baby!
Guess who sat in the front...
Tuesday, the due date, we went to the dollar theater to see the Sorcerer's Apprentice! Adam has really been spoiling me lately with all the time we've been spending together! Last night, we got together again with Sean and Rachel to go to California Adventure! We got there around 6 and the park closed at 8, so here's what we were able to do in that short time. After our ride on the ferris wheel, we caught pictures this time of us being weighed in tortillas while we ate our free samples.

There is a 3D show called It's Tough to be a Bug and these are the cool glasses we got to wear!

They finished off the night with Tower of Terror and Jake hung out with me outside since there was only a 13 minute wait time for that ride. Lines sure are short on weekdays!
Adam's classmates are so nice and they ask him about me and the baby every day! I'm sure he feels like I'm going to be pregnant forever too since they've been asking him the same questions since he started school almost 2 months ago. I'm a little worn out from yesterday and people keep telling me to sleep while I can because I'll need the energy when I'm in labor. You got it....I've started the bread machine, blogged, and now I'm off to take a nap! =) Maybe a walk and some shopping will follow!
It's been over 10 months that my body has been growing a baby. At least 8 or 9 months of this pregnancy I felt like it was exciting to watch my belly grow and read about the development of this baby. I've read up on all sorts of things and asked all sorts of questions. Recently, it's been so fun to feel him move around and watch him play with Adam. There was a period of a about a month where I woke up every morning wondering if it would be his birthday.
Now, I've gotten used to the fact that my belly is huge compared to what it used to be (though strangers still tell me it looks little), my face is rounding out, I have stretch marks, and I have to wear flip flops to church due to water retention in my feet and ankles. Lately, I feel like this is who I am... Like I'm always going to have all of these features. Sometimes I think, "there's REALLY a baby inside of me who is going to come out and this is only temporary?? Nah."
Every weekend when I go grocery shopping and clean the house I think it's going to be the last time I do it before this baby comes. Every time we go to Disneyland we think it's going to be the last time before the baby (We've been 6 times since August 23rd). Every time we go to the dollar theater or hang out with friends or go to church or send Adam off to school...we think it'll be the last time before the baby comes. Adam's been coming home right after he gets out of class at noon and studying at home instead of staying on campus just in case.
Today was the first day I sent Adam out the door and didn't worry about what would happen if I needed to get a hold of him before he gets out of class at 5 tonight. Pretty sure the baby's going to be inside for a few more months =) I had a pretty busy and fun day yesterday full of laundry, a long walk, scrapbooking, making granola bars, and a couple hours at CA Adventure. It was followed by a soothing banana bubble bath and some icy hot rubbed on my back before bed since I get sore just by walking around these days. I felt more contractions throughout the day and they are getting stronger, but there were only a few per hour depending on what I was doing.
My last post was on Saturday, the 18th, and it was all about our trip to Disneyland on the 17th. We went again on Monday with our friends Sean, Rachel, and their 6 month old Jakob. Here we are in the Haunted Mansion:

Adam's classmates are so nice and they ask him about me and the baby every day! I'm sure he feels like I'm going to be pregnant forever too since they've been asking him the same questions since he started school almost 2 months ago. I'm a little worn out from yesterday and people keep telling me to sleep while I can because I'll need the energy when I'm in labor. You got it....I've started the bread machine, blogged, and now I'm off to take a nap! =) Maybe a walk and some shopping will follow!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
What would you do if....
...your doctor told you she didn't expect your baby to come this weekend since you hadn't changed/progressed since last week??
Go to Disneyland, of course!!!
Friday was the first day it was decorated for Halloween so we went around 5:30 and stayed until 10:30. We went to the Haunted Mansion first, since it was all decorated like the Nightmare Before Christmas. When we go with friends or family they will have to go on Space Mountain with Adam since that's decorated too, and I can't go on it right now.

We went to CA Adventure and saw an awesome Muppet 3D show, which I will highly recommend to all children and adults! Such a fun and interactive show! Turtle Talk with Crush was really cool and interactive too!
We found out that our personalities are most similar to Buzz Lighyear and Mulan...quite the combination! We got some free tortillas and got on the scale which said we weighed about 2000 tortillas =) Ursula stole our voices but gave them back after we acted out a scene from Bambi for her. We went to an animation studio art class and learned how to draw Mickey Mouse. We went on a Monsters Inc ride, and then we headed back over to Disneyland so that Adam could crush my score on the Buzz Lightyear ride once again!
We grabbed some yummy burgers at In n Out on our way home and watched the first half of Aladdin before we both fell asleep on the couch! When we crawled into bed to read scriptures, our little guy was so active! Adam caught some of it on video and I wish I could share, but the file is too big. Oh, and the update on the baby...he's coming when he wants to. The latest we'll go is 41 weeks, which is September 28th...the day Adam proposed. I'll let you know when he decides to let us know his birthday!
While getting out of the car to see Knight and Day at the local dollar theater Adam said, "I know why the baby hasn't come yet. He likes going to the movies with us!"
Go to Disneyland, of course!!!
Friday was the first day it was decorated for Halloween so we went around 5:30 and stayed until 10:30. We went to the Haunted Mansion first, since it was all decorated like the Nightmare Before Christmas. When we go with friends or family they will have to go on Space Mountain with Adam since that's decorated too, and I can't go on it right now.
We went to CA Adventure and saw an awesome Muppet 3D show, which I will highly recommend to all children and adults! Such a fun and interactive show! Turtle Talk with Crush was really cool and interactive too!
We grabbed some yummy burgers at In n Out on our way home and watched the first half of Aladdin before we both fell asleep on the couch! When we crawled into bed to read scriptures, our little guy was so active! Adam caught some of it on video and I wish I could share, but the file is too big. Oh, and the update on the baby...he's coming when he wants to. The latest we'll go is 41 weeks, which is September 28th...the day Adam proposed. I'll let you know when he decides to let us know his birthday!
While getting out of the car to see Knight and Day at the local dollar theater Adam said, "I know why the baby hasn't come yet. He likes going to the movies with us!"
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Latest Adventures

Here are some photos to capture the memories we've been making these last days before the baby. We are having so much fun together! I made all of them small on accident, but if you click on them you can view them larger. We were goofing around after church on September 5th and this is one of the best shots we got! I was almost 38 weeks.

Disneyland the very next day on Monday, September 6th. We were so happy it didn't turn out to be our "Labor Day!"

After that, we went on the Tom Sawyer river cruise. It was nice and relaxing and the weather was perfect!

We had time for just one more ride and so we decided to ride the rocketships! It's the same concept as the Dumbo ride, but in tomorrowland. The man counted us off, just assuming that we would ride together, so we thought nothing of it...I mean, if this man thought we could fit in one rocket together, then we probably would. WRONG!!! =) Another moment of intense laughter!! Here we are in the rocket! Okay, so we made it in, but it was an incredibly tight fit (Adam's legs were stuck and I was just wedged in there). We finally figure it out and were barely situated, but laughing like crazy, and the man comes over to ask us about our seatbelt! Oops...hadn't gotten that far. I was nervous it wasn't going to fit and they were going to make us get out, but luckily it fit! That would have been so embarrassing! We laughed during the entire ride like we were dating again!! Moral of the story: 2 adults + 1 beach ball do not fit very comfortably in a child-size rocketship.

Monday, September 13, 2010
8 Days to Go
The grocery shopping is done, house is clean, bag is packed, laundry is going right now, clean sheets are on our bed, and we have a trip to Disneyland planned for this afternoon.
The day has come.
Adam has been telling our little guy for weeks that he can't come until after Adam's biochemistry exam on 9.13.10. By the way, if you're wondering how med school is going for him, follow the link to his blog on the top of this blog. His last post was August 31st and it's a great post!
I've been having appointments every week lately and here's the rundown: At my appointment on August 27th, I was not dilated and about 40%. September 3rd, I was at a 1 and about 60%. This past Friday, September 10th, I was 1.5 and still 60%. I think I could have progressed more last week, but I purposely tried to lay low as to not give this baby any chances of coming before Adam's exam. He's been studying for it for 3 weeks straight and it covers a lot of material!
Adam is at school right now taking his exam so we made it!! Our little Wesley, Logan, Mason, or McKay has permission to arrive.
My sister-in-law had her baby girl yesterday: Payton Sawyer Simes! She is such a doll from the pictures I've seen and I can't wait to meet her...probably next month! Looking at those pictures, I can't believe that our baby is about that same size (Payton was born 2 weeks early and was 7lb 11oz). Our doctor is guessing that ours will be somewhere around 8lbs when he's born too. I still can't comprehend that there's a baby belly looks so round that it's hard to imagine the shape of a baby with little fingers and toes. I recognize him when he moves around, but it's a feeling I can't quite express. I am amazed at the creation of these little babies and can't believe we are going to have one of our very own!
I think Adam said it best yesterday: "It's like getting married all over again, except you don't know the wedding date. Once we are with this person, we are going to be with them for eternity."
The day has come.
Adam has been telling our little guy for weeks that he can't come until after Adam's biochemistry exam on 9.13.10. By the way, if you're wondering how med school is going for him, follow the link to his blog on the top of this blog. His last post was August 31st and it's a great post!
I've been having appointments every week lately and here's the rundown: At my appointment on August 27th, I was not dilated and about 40%. September 3rd, I was at a 1 and about 60%. This past Friday, September 10th, I was 1.5 and still 60%. I think I could have progressed more last week, but I purposely tried to lay low as to not give this baby any chances of coming before Adam's exam. He's been studying for it for 3 weeks straight and it covers a lot of material!
Adam is at school right now taking his exam so we made it!! Our little Wesley, Logan, Mason, or McKay has permission to arrive.
My sister-in-law had her baby girl yesterday: Payton Sawyer Simes! She is such a doll from the pictures I've seen and I can't wait to meet her...probably next month! Looking at those pictures, I can't believe that our baby is about that same size (Payton was born 2 weeks early and was 7lb 11oz). Our doctor is guessing that ours will be somewhere around 8lbs when he's born too. I still can't comprehend that there's a baby belly looks so round that it's hard to imagine the shape of a baby with little fingers and toes. I recognize him when he moves around, but it's a feeling I can't quite express. I am amazed at the creation of these little babies and can't believe we are going to have one of our very own!
I think Adam said it best yesterday: "It's like getting married all over again, except you don't know the wedding date. Once we are with this person, we are going to be with them for eternity."
Friday, August 27, 2010

Quick update on the pregnancy from my appointment this morning: Baby's 5.5 pounds, still high, not dilated, about 40% effaced, he's in position (head down), and I lost a pound since my last appointment 2 weeks ago (which is perfectly okay according to the doctor)! Everything is looking great and she's not expecting him to come any time soon. I love to watch him move around every day...It almost feels like he's tickling me from inside and it makes me smile! I just love this time I have with him inside, but I feel ready if he does decide to come sooner than his due date!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Major picture post!

When you walk in and look to the right, this is what you'll see:

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