I finally have a little baby bump! No pictures yet, but we just got a new camera last week, so I'll get Adam to take one soon. I am definitely supposed to be working on my final portfolios and projects right now, but I had to take a moment to change our blog from being all about emotions! I haven't cried since I wrote that post and this week has been wonderful! I am feeling so much better...no more nausea, not as many saltine crackers, and I would say no more mood swings but Adam will have to verify that one! =) I only have to sell 6 more apples for our business to make it to $1000 and so there's no stress for that class anymore. I gave all the apples to a girl in the group to sell the rest.
Adam went skiing all day and had a blast. There was a ton of fresh powder for him and Ragan to play in and afterward they sat in the spa at the gym.
That skinny little baby up in the corner of the blog is really the size of the palm of my hand and weighs 5 oz. It went from being a peach to a fist to an orange to a palm according to a website I've been following. It's supposed to start getting some chub this week! We have our 16 week checkup tomorrow to hear it's little hearbeat again and then in 4 more weeks we'll find out if we need bows and lace or, well, not bows and lace.
This is something I'll probably find out from the doctor, but why not ask other moms such as Kate and Nana Linda: is it about time to be feeling our baby move? I just feel little flutters throughout the day and think it's my digestive system, but sitting here right now I've been feeling it often and am wondering what you think. I can't feel it when I put my hand on my belly, just from the inside.