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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Votes are In....

It's a boy! So, to the 17 of you who thought we were having a girl sorry, but to the 15 of you who thought boy (I actually voted three times and my friend Ragan voted twice) congratulations on your super-telepathic ability to see within the womb...or just nice job guessing.

Baby is healthy and "on schedule" still for Sept 21 (as much as baby's can be on schedule).



WoozleMom said...

Yay for a boy! Congratulations!

Zach and Linds said...

Yay!!! Congratulations! How exciting. So glad everything is looking great!

balloongal said...

Hurray. Hurray. What a great birthday present.

Jessica said...
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Jessica said...

sorry ....technical difficulties. I found your blog! Yay for a little boy! We will find out on Tuesday!